Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts

This was a Thanksgiving summed up by a few things: unexpected, peaceful and perfect. I didn't think we would get to be together as a family, so it was an unexpected surprise to have Firoze for the table. It was peaceful because the boys were out of the house while I was cooking and it was perfect because we were all together and enjoying one of my favorite meals of the year!

My very own soccer team!

Dean is just too cute for words these days.

Cooking for me is a passion. A creative force and a zen moment, all rolled up. I rarely get to cook without a baby on my hip, while simultaneously answering questions about the Mesozoic era. This was a treat. The boys were playing a family soccer game with the rest of the St. Regis staff and this mama was in the kitchen, with the Macy's Day Parade playing and Christmas music blaring. Peeling potatoes, chopping onions, stirring pots... LOVED it!

My happy kitchen.

Baking dishes lined up, waiting for oven space.

Had to repeat good memories from last year, so I made a nice baked brie with cherries to nibble. It was sinful. But, so worth it!


A perfect plate.

"You know you're a mom when..."

You make seasonal crafts for every season out of construction paper.

Presenting... glorious, glittery turkey!


"You know you're a mom when..."

Thinking about glorious paper turkeys with feathers traced out of your baby's hands starts to make you teary, thinking about how small these hands are and how fast they'll grow and how you're gonna save this turkey forever.

Lame, but true. I can't help it. I'm a mom. wipes away tear


I'm especially thankful for my family and friends this Thanksgiving. I think every day, how blessed I am to be surrounded by such wonderful, amazing, loving and kind people. I'm thankful for Firoze, for all the ways he shows his love and helps me every day. I'm thankful to have two beautiful boys that make me laugh every day and let me feel pure love!

A few more things I am thankful for...

A perfectly cooked dinner.

Pioneer Woman's Chicken Cacciatore... one word: yummy!

Curious George


Why? Because Curious George is baby crack to Dean. Ok, maybe not the best description. Anyways, Curious George is the mute button or the "freeze" on all kinds of baby naughtiness. It's the one thing that causes instant, glorious peace and quiet.

See the baby stare. The zoned out TV addict. I promise, only one 30 minute session needed for mama's happiness reboot.

No, thank YOU George. Thank YOU.

I'm reminded every day to be thankful for the simple things.

Dean is thankful for his stick. If only everything was this simple.

As my favorite time of the year draws to a close, I'm saying goodbye to the pumpkins and hello twinkling lights...


1 comment:

  1. How can you like cooking so much!!! Well, I can say I equally enjoy YOU cooking as much as you enjoy it. LOL. I sure wish we were together. I'm so thankful for you & love you guys SO much! So glad FIroze was there too!!


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