The thing is, I crave everything. At one point or another, I'll want elephant ears from the carnival, Russian pelmeni (dumplings), dinner at The French Laundry, cheese biscuits from Red Lobster... and this list could continue into a novel... and yes, it will include fresh vegetables and salads too. Maybe most days I want something "bad," but I think I truly crave fresh food - whether it be a perfectly cooked lobster dunked in melted butter or a salad with the perfect fresh ingredients.
So, this was my "I must have it" salad:
Ingredients: Spring Mix, Finely chopped red onion, Baby Heirloom Tomatoes, Watermelon, Dried Cranberry, Sweet Orange Peppers, Freshly Grated Parmesan, and Champagne Vinagrette.
It's that sweet, salty and fresh combination that was just amazing. Even Devon ate all his salad and said he didn't want anything else for dinner. Now how often do kids say THAT?
And then this morning, the pendulum swung in the opposite direction and we went for the perfect Danish breakfast. What is that, you ask? It's called Aebleskiver. I saw it in the Williams Sonoma catalog and thought, wow, I need to try that. And then I saw them at Trader Joes. Perfect! You bake them in the oven and they are crisp on the outside, like a perfectly fried donut and then they are soft and tender inside, like the perfect pancake. You liberally powder them with sugar when they are hot out of the oven and put a dab of butter, jam, or syrup on them. Ahhh yes, life is truly delicious!
Omg. I love Firoze's response. Hahahahahaha.