We went to the mountains of North Carolina for our family trip in January. We bundled up against the cold and enjoyed a beautiful mountain retreat. I was finally able to relax after the Christmas sales rush and put my 8 months pregnant feet up!
Whoa Nelly... that's a big baby bump!!! Last month ever being pregnant! I was soooooo ready to have that baby, but Dean just didn't want to show up on his due date in February.
March 2, 2010 - Dean Sherman Nizam made his debut into the world. What a life changing moment to see your son being born! Dean has been our sweet baby, full of smiles and giggles (and a little mischief too).
Dean grew so quickly out of that newborn stage, right into being a bouncing baby boy. He was already trying to turn over and hold his head up after a month. We had to keep our eye on him at all times!
May was Firoze's birthday month and we celebrated in a BIG way this year. He got the Sri-Lankan party he had hoped for. He got lots of presents, but his big gift was getting to go see his favorite sport - cricket - played by his favorite team - Sri-Lanka! We met my parents in Florida for an amazing family vacation. Dean got to sleep on the beach with the sound of the waves (no sound machine needed)! Devon got to build a sandcastle with Grandpa and Mimi and he still asks us when we are going back to Flor-ee-dah, because "I really loved Flor-ee-dah, Mama."
In June the weather started heating up and we enjoyed a picnic by the lake. We took the boys outside almost every day and made lots of trips to the duck park and playground. Our favorite thing we did this summer was to go to the pool - we went almost every day off in June and Devon absolutely loved to swim!
July was hot, hot, hot in Hotlanta! We had a great 4th of July party at Debbie and Bob's house. We cranked up the AC to cool off. We made a visit to Charleston and Devon enjoyed a little skinny dippin' at Grandpa and Mimi's house! :)
Devon has been the "big brother" since day one - always checking on Dean and keeping an extra eye on him for me. I know to come running when I hear him yell "Dean's doing something DANGEROUS!" And I usually hear that about 10 times a day! I love, love, love that we gave Devon a brother - someone that he can share life with and teach all he knows to (and probably boss around a little too!). Dean was sooo quick to grow up - he just started sitting up by himself and crawling at 6 months old. So sad that my baby is growing up so fast!
September is celebration month at our house - Devon's birthday, Courtney's birthday, our wedding anniversary, my birthday... and many other friends and family's birthdays too! This year, we added an extra special celebration - Firoze became an American citizen!!! We had a dress-up throwdown to celebrate our newest citizen and it was one of the most fun nights we had all year. Everyone that we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE was there to show their love and support and we were overjoyed. Then, we rolled right into a big birthday weekend with Grandpa and Mimi to have a Thomas the Train day for Devon's birthday.
October was for fall fun - pumpkins and Halloween. We did it up right this year and enjoyed fall in all it's goodness! For Halloween, I had the two cutest dinosaurs that you ever did see! Debbie and I also threw Bethany's baby shower - it turned out just perfect! We also had our own private celebration with the treat of a St. Regis tea one afternoon - divine!
November was a hard month - Firoze was in Sri-Lanka for the first few weeks. I had a visit from his cousins. Then headed right to Memphis to help Bethany get ready for baby and to take some special pregnancy photos. Then we cooked for two days to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving... whew, I'm just tired thinking about November!
December was a blur. We worked so hard and spent every spare minute filling the month with all the traditions and memories of Christmas for the boys. We took Christmas card photos, we sent cards, we made a gingerbread train, we watched Polar Express, we baked Christmas cookies, we made enough pots of soup to start a restaurant, we worked and worked and worked and worked some more! And it was all worth it - Devon and Dean are our biggest gift and we want to give them the world!
Goodbye 2010... Hello 2011. Can't wait to see what this year will bring!
That was such a good post! What a great year, even despite all the little irritations of sick kids and lots and lots of work- there is so much joy & love, we are so blessed. I am so blessed to have you guys in my life and I can't wait to make tons more memories in 2011!