It's my safe place, my happy place, the center of my memories, the place where I can wear pajamas 24-7, the place where my favorite music is played, the kitchen where I know exactly where every utensil is in the drawers, the place with the bedroom that smells familiar and has the best bed in the universe, the place where my kids have grown up, the place where family is everything...
I was only gone a few days and yet it felt so good to walk in the door.
September 2010 - My Living Room
Sometimes I think about a day, 50 years from now... maybe I will be thinking about the best days of my life, the favorite days in my 84 years... and right now, I think... I am here.
I am young. I am loved by my family. I am loving Firoze, Devon and Dean more than I can say. I have a house that is well loved, full of life, full of baby bottles, strollers, train tracks, lego houses, dinosaurs, and exersaucers. One day life will change and my living room might look like a magazine, but for right now, it doesn't... and that's just perfect. One day, I'll pack up all this kid stuff and sell it all at a garage sale and I'm already getting nostalgic because I'm trying to put the brakes on right now. I'm trying to slow down time and be here, in this moment, when I'm young and have two babies to love and to cuddle, before they grow into men.
This past week, I spent in Memphis, helping Bethany take care of Grayson. Month 1 - it's already over and he's ready to grow out of those newborn clothes. It's so fast and fragile and I see it already... next thing we know, he'll be crawling and saying his first words and she'll be secretly wishing that she could come back to this spot where she can just hold him in the crook of her arm and nuzzle his sweet face.
It goes by so fast B... so fast. Grayson is an angel and you and Aaron are truly blessed, so enjoy every moment... even the sleepless ones. You both are already amazing parents, even after Month 1, so it will only keep getting better.
It was great to snuggle a newborn, to cook and laugh with friends, and to fly home business class (first time ever... thank you Debbie!), but it was even better...
even sweeter to come home.
It DOES go by too fast. Like Mom & Dad did with us, I put my hand on Judah & Quinn's heads and I say "stop growing" and want them to stay like that forever. We sure are blessed to have such wonderful families!