Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pedaling Dreams

Yesterday was a lunar eclipse... a perfect sunset... a glimpse of a rainbow. Why? Because Firoze and I actually had a day off to spend together, fancy free... an entire date day. Most people get to spend their weekends together and they don't realize how precious that time is. For us, we NEVER get to spend a weekend together, unless it is an actual holiday which means we are spending it with other people too. And that's great too, but there is nothing like being with the one you love and having nothing to do other than enjoy the hot summer day. And so we did.

We did some shopping, we pretended we were on vacation and had seafood and cocktails for lunch. We went for the free swim at the Piedmont Park Pool and it was just like we were at a resort. We thought ahead to bring magazines and a fresh smoothie and for just a few hours, it was 2004 and we were young and in love... before "the marriage and the baby carriage!" We even had an amazing dinner at Empire State South to send us into bliss. Sometimes the stars align and you are feeling the love and the restaurant only makes it all better. That was last night. The cocktails were incredible and we both kept saying "this is the best thing I have eaten in a lonnnng time." Yum! We need to go back soon.

Amazing day all around, but then there was the cherry on top...

For an entire year, I have been searching for a bike for Devon. I can't and won't pay full price for any major kids toy, so I kept wishing and hoping I would find a great deal on the PERFECT bike. With our day so nice and lazy, with no real plans, I had to make a stop at the thrift store to check and see if there was anything I had to have... and there it was... (insert the harp strings)... the little boy's bike of my dreams! It was $25, but it was PERFECT in every way. And even better... when we got home, I had to google it and see what kind of deal I had found and nearly cried a tear of happiness to find it here for $250!!!

Anyone who knows me knows that finding a great deal is my ear-to-ear grin. So, it was that much sweeter that was got to end our perfect day together by bringing Devon his first "big boy" bike!



And he just got on and rode the bike like he's been doing it his whole life. Why should I be surprised? It has training wheels. :) But, watching my boy ride his bike in the hot sun was the best thing about the whole day! Firoze and I just sat and felt that "we are sooo proud and happy, we are going to burst" feeling, just watching him ride confidently up and down the driveway.


Life is all about these moments. The first time you saw your son ride his bike. One more check mark on the big list of his life.


He was so happy, he rode his bike INSIDE the house around a little loop for a solid hour and a half before going to bed.


Oh happy day!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day or Dada's Day

Yesterday it was Father's Day. In our house, we do things a little bit Southern, so I am the "Mama" to my boys. And we are also Sri-Lankan, so Firoze is known as the "Dada" around here. I can say I am truly blessed to have someone who is so truly excited to be a Dada and shares so much of the work. Everyone knows that kids bring you joy, but they also bring extra laundry to do, extra baths to give, extra mouths to feed, and the hundreds of extra tasks required to keep them growing. I grew up with a Dad that was so creative and loving. My Dad was always making something for us, or helping us to ride our bikes on a 50 mile bike ride, or teaching me to be a speed reader, just like him. So, I have very high expecations of what a father should be. A father should be involved. He should be there for his kids and show them how much he loves them every day. Firoze is the bath giver, the king of laundry, the master bum wiper... they might not sound like it, but these are glowing titles. It's not the same as "Oscar Nominated Actor" or "Purple Heart Recipient," but it's a title that is a million more times important in our home. What good is an Oscar award winning actor going to do me, unless he can change a really dirty diaper while I'm trying to make dinner??? All that to say, I am so lucky... I have a loving husband that is the best Dada to Devon and Dean and shows them how much he loves them every single day. So, Happy Dada's Day Love!

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Firoze with the boys over the past few years...












Sunday, June 12, 2011

Beautiful Boy

"Before you go to sleep,
Say a little prayer.
Every day in every way,
It's getting better and better.

Beautiful, beautiful...
Beautiful Boy.

Before you cross the street,
Take my hand,
Life is just what happens to you,
While you're busy making other plans.

Beautiful, beautiful...
Beautiful Boy."

- Beautiful Boy by John Lennon

This is one of my all time favorite songs. One of those songs that can consistently make me tear up. When I think about how many things are on my to-do list everyday, it makes me feel anxious at how life is passing by in a 100 mile-per-hour blur and I have to stop and take a look around at these two beautiful boys that I am blessed with...


Devon is wise and understanding beyond his years. He is my shadow, my sous chef, my kindred spirit. He is so smart and witty, but also calm and loving. He is always offering to help, always begging to be taught something, and always happy to be with us.


Dean is my little sprite. My daredevil. My scamp. My little Charlie Chaplin. He is always grinning, always looking for an adventure and completely fearless. When he turns on the charm, he has a wink in his smile and a sparkle in his eyes... a flirtatious grin just like his Dada.


And when I freeze this moment, I can only think... how blessed and lucky am I? I have everything I have ever wished for in these two beautiful boys. I'll blink my eyes and they'll have grown another inch. It just goes by too fast.


How is it possible that just the other day (it seems), Devon was just taking his first steps??? And now in just a heartbeat, Dean is here and I see these uncertain little baby steps turning into the willowy figure of my son growing so tall and handsome.


In the blink of an eye, Devon will be all grown up... I can see how fast it goes.


Every day in every way,
It's getting better and better...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby Steps...

These are my baby steps as a blogger... to post my first video!

How fitting that my video is of actual baby steps. :)

My sweet baby Dean is officially toddling... he's a toddler now. Just look!

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